P>Did you experience extreme withdrawal when you were younger? Did you use drugs because of personal problems? Will it affect your security clearance? Let's find out. I'm Todd Rycart and this is Clearance Jobs TV. The illegal use, cultivation, manufacture, purchase, sale, distribution, or possession of drugs or drug paraphernalia could disqualify you from receiving a security clearance. Yes, experimentation with drugs, particularly marijuana, is pretty common behavior for young people. It's typically benign and most of the time doesn't result in chronic or long-term use. So, when does drug use become a security concern? Under federal law, a current user of illegal drugs cannot be granted a security clearance, and current use can mean using drugs even a few months before. So let's say you've used drugs in the past. First, you have to show you're no longer involved with drugs and won't use them in the future. Investigators will consider which drugs you used, how often you used them, how recently, and any circumstances and effects such as mental health issues or employment pressures. Factors that will work against you include drug use while holding a security clearance, solitary drug use, growing or making your own drugs, a relapse after completion of a treatment program, and any drug-related misconduct. Factors that will work for you: you've severed ties with drug-using associates, your use occurred between your late teens and late 20s, and you've changed to avoid the environment where drugs were formerly used. Also, successfully completing a drug treatment program with a favorable prognosis can help, as can a signed statement of intent not to illegally use drugs in the future and agreeing to an automatic revocation of your clearance for any violation. I'm Todd Rycart and this has been Clearance Jobs TV.
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Admitting drug use on security clearance Form: What You Should Know
Drug Use, Drug Test, and Clearance | Military.com The purpose of the drug test is to weed out those who abuse drugs. You can't test someone who doesn't use drugs; No Drug Exemptions for Individuals Who Have Consumed Alcohol | Federal Business Opportunities Q: If I use marijuana, do the drug tests include the results of my drug tests that were conducted prior to using or since I started using marijuana? A: It is possible the result of any drug test may be used, although this would be extremely unlikely to lead to denial of a clearance for marijuana. This may result in a delay in processing of security clearance applications or access to classified information, and may delay the date a clearance is finalized. Q. I just tested positive for marijuana. Is there any way I can reduce the penalties for a DUI? A: If your blood-alcohol content (BAC) at the time of the offense was 0.02 or less, for the first offense, you will not only avoid a DUI charge, but the resulting suspension of your driving privileges will be reduced to 90 days. Furthermore, if your BAC is 0.04 or greater when you test in the state which your driving privileges are suspended because of a DUI, a BAC that is below 0.02 but above the limits set forth by another state, the suspension will be for a period of 6 months. Q: What is the cutoff for a first offense DUI for the first offense under the DUI laws of Colorado? A: The BAC must be 0.08 to receive the one-time reduction (without suspension) to 90 days in revocation of driving privilege, but the driving privilege can be automatically reinstated if the BAC is below the legal limit, and the person's BAC after the revocation was below .04. The cutoff is set out Bypassing the DUI Laws — Driving While Legal, and DUI by DNI | U.S. Department of Justice Q: Do I need to submit documentation proving that I've used all illegal drugs? A: Yes. A drug test result will not generally be accepted by the security clearance officer when determining your eligibility. For clearance purposes, all illegal drug use will be evaluated in the same manner as all other illegal drug use.
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