For Mashable, I'm Lauren Goris. At WWDC, we're getting a glimpse of Apple's future. But, in your defense, a document released today is giving us a look at Steve Jobs' past. The questionnaire was taken when Jobs was trying to gain top-secret security clearance in 1988. And since it's now past its 15-year privacy period, Wired obtained the document through a Freedom of Information Act request. Let's be clear, it's a formerly secret government document about Steve Jobs, so it's pretty juicy. When asked about how susceptible to blackmail he thought he might be, Jobs responded by saying he has an illegitimate daughter. He said, "The type of blackmail or threat that could be made against me would be if someone kidnapped her." The questionnaire also delves into Jobs' drug use (remember hearing about that in the Walter Isaacson biography?). Now, here's more on what Jobs thought about the approximate 15 times he used LSD: "I have no words to explain the effect the LSD had on me, although I can say it was a positive, life-changing experience for me, and I'm glad I went through that experience." His feelings for pot were not as glowing. Still, he said marijuana made him relaxed and creative. But Jobs reports that his drug use didn't continue past the 70s. But even before that, the tech legend was breaking the law. When he was a teenager, he used a device to make free long-distance calls, something he saw as a technical challenge more than anything else. What the document doesn't say, however, is why Jobs wanted security clearance. He was working with Pixar at the time, so chances are he needed it for a government-related project. We're guessing it had nothing to do with Toy Story 4. Mashable, my boys.
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Sf85 drug use question Form: What You Should Know
But now am afraid to take more drugs or do drugs. I am worried about my health. Answer this if the following statement applies to you: Question 7) You are a recent user of a Schedule I substance, as defined in the Controlled Substances Act, and have not previously been terminated from access to a controlled substance on account of such use. Answer this if the following statement applies to you: Question 8) You have ever been convicted of a felony drug offense, a drug specification, or a drug possession offense. If this is the case, please explain to us in your SF 85P Question 9) You are currently participating in a federal or state drug abuse or rehabilitation program. You are not currently participating in a drug treatment program. You currently participate in a drug rehabilitation or treatment program or are currently participating in one that meets the criteria for treatment. Furthermore, you recently stopped participating in a drug rehabilitation or treatment program. Please describe any other drug rehabilitation or treatment related to the type of program you are interested in that is currently in progress. Answer this if the following statement applies to you: Question 10) You have any outstanding warrants, arrest warrants or other legal process, civil or criminal, against you and are presently incarcerated, in Federal or State detention facilities or on supervised release (including parole and work release). You cannot answer yes to any of the questions above. You can also contact your nearest probation officer to request assistance completing this form. ​Answer this if the following statement applies to you: Question 11) Your criminal history, if any, includes any felony, misdemeanor, or gross misdemeanor under Federal, State, or Tribal law relating to the use, sale, manufacturing, or distribution of controlled substances, except that the questions do not include, and you are not required to respond to these items, any federal or state arrest warrant or court-issued criminal conviction for: first degree murder or assault with intent to kill; kidnapping; sexual assault of a minor; arson; escape; bribery under 18 U.S.C., Section 201; fraud under 18 U.S.C.
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